Author: Nisha Nair, Paediatric Occupational Therapist
3 min read
Has your therapist offered you a telehealth session, but you’re not exactly sure how it will benefit you? Here is the what, why, and how MoveAbout engage with telehealth sessions to create consistency of therapy, and provide you with the best service possible.

Here at MoveAbout we take a 3-pronged approach when we work with our families: direct treatment, consultation, and education.
It is an approach that we love and families have really enjoyed as well! While Covid-19 has had its negative impacts, the benefits of telehealth have come to light. It has provided a platform to do our consultation, education, and even direct treatment sessions with our families. While telehealth is something that is emerging in the medical field, there is value for both the therapist and families. Here are just some of the options we can do during a telehealth session:
Communication between parents and therapists
It can be hard to find the time to discuss any challenges or successes that have occurred through the week. While handovers after sessions can be helpful to give a brief overview of the week, some topics require more time to discuss. Even during our handover after sessions, we are super mindful about what we discuss in front of children. Therefore, telehealth sessions have been a great platform to provide a safe space for parents to share any relevant updates regarding their children. This can also be really helpful for therapists to ensure they are able to give you their undivided attention to help problem solve or develop strategies.
Strategy sessions
Telehealth sessions can also be used as a way to problem-solve and develop strategies. If a challenge arises with your child, telehealth can be a great way to discuss what is happening. It can be an amazing tool to discuss potential strategies, such as developing a sensory diet or ways to adjust challenging aspects of daily life.

Meeting with other professionals and service providers
A multidisciplinary approach to therapy is very powerful, whether it is meetings with other practitioners or meetings between school teachers and learning support staff. Not only has telehealth been extremely successful with facilitating communication between all services and professions, but it has also been helpful to allow for consistency within therapies and supports.
Direct treatment
If your child has a sniffle but is still super keen for OT, telehealth can most definitely be used as a session! Through the craziness of Covid-19, we as therapists have found ways to be super creative and use the home environment as a therapeutic tool. Telehealth sessions have been great to also assist in developing home programs for families to ensure there can be continuity of therapeutic activities at home!
There are so many ways telehealth can be helpful for families. It is a therapeutic and beneficial option that we encourage at MoveAbout for continual holistic care. Whether it is through the screen or face to face, we will always strive to support the people who support the kids.
Are you needing occupational therapy services for your child? If so, contact MoveAbout today and chat with our wonderful admin teams about your needs. Also, check out our Facebook and Instagram pages for more information about what we offer at MoveAbout.